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通讯员: 信息来源:材料科学与工程学院   发布日期:2018-01-09 点击数: 审稿:

主讲人简介:唐友宏,2000年获武汉理工大学船舶工程学士学位,于2002年提前一年完成武汉理工大学硕士学位且同时获得新加坡国立大学和香港科技大学的博士全额奖学金录取资格,2007年获得香港科技大学先进材料博士学位。博士毕业后继续在科大做了近两年的博士后研究工作,然后到广州华南理工大学担任副教授。2011年被派送到悉尼大学做访问学者,获得了ARC-DECRA (Australian Research Council – Discovery Early Career Researcher Award,相当于中国优秀青年学者基金)联邦基金,2012年在南澳的弗林德斯大学担任讲师现为澳大利亚林德斯大学副教授,纳米科技中心与医疗器械研究所研究主任。 唐博士主要研究聚合物纳米材料的结构-加工-性能关系;具有聚集诱导发光特性的生物材料、生物传感器和器件以及船用复合材料等方面。近5年共发表了SCI论文120余篇,他引次数超过2800余次(8篇他引次数大于100),共撰写了9个章节,并出版2本著作。已获得了澳大利亚科研管理局的4项基金资助,获得基金总共超过450万澳元。
Title:Nanoparticle-enabled Large-scale Advanced Composites and Structures
Speaker:Youhong Tang,Flinders University, Australia
Abstract:In the past decades, extensive studies have been conducted for enhancing the mechanical performance of polymers using various nanofillers because of their ability to act as a reinforcing phase at the nanoscale. Some efforts have also been made to improve the performance of continuous fiber reinforced polymer composites and structures such as carbon fibre/epoxy (CF/EP) and glass fibre/epoxy (GF/EP) laminate with modified epoxy resins. This presentation is to articulate how the improvement for nanofiller-modified epoxy resins translates into CF/EP and GF/EP composite laminates. Some available data are reviewed, addressing the effects of nanoparticles and fabrication methods. In particular, some recent results on interlaminar fracture, impact damage resistance and compression after impact (CAI) on CF/EP and GF/EP composite laminates with nanosilica and carbon black are highlighted. The electrical conductivity based on percolation network of nanoparticles in GF/EP laminates renders a unique opportunity to monitor delamination growth and impact damage in GF/EP laminates based on electrical impedance tomography.