主讲人简介:陈洛南,1984年获华中科技大学电气工程学士学位;1988年获日本东北大学系统科学硕士学位;1991年获日本东北大学系统科学博士学位。1997年起任日本大阪产业大学副教授;2000年起任美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)访问教授;2002年起任日本大阪产业大学教授;2007年上海大学系统生物技术研究所所长(兼);2009年4月起任日本东京大学(兼)研究教授;2009年10月起任中科院系统生物学重点实验室执行主任,研究员,博士生导师,研究组组长。目前,在计算系统生物学领域的主要国际学术期刊都担任重要工作,在日本和美国从事科研教学工作等25年以上,近六年来,在系统生物学研究领域发表了100篇以上原创性研究论文。包括PNAS、NAR、Plos CB、Bioinformatics等国际重要期刊。同时,出版专著2本。现为国家基金委数理学部、信息学部会评专家。承担国家基金委重大项目、“973计划项目”、中科院先导项目等国家重大项目多项。
Title:Detecting Causality from Nonlinear Dynamics with Short-term Time Series
Speaker:Luonan Chen, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract:Quantifying causality between variables from observed time series data is of great importance in various disciplines but also a challenging task, especially when the observed data are short. Unlike the conventional methods, we developed a new framework to detect causality only with very short time series data, based on embedding theory of an attractor for nonlinear dynamics. Specifically, we first show that measuring the smoothness of a cross map between two observed variables can be used to detect a causal relation. Then, we provide a very effective algorithm to computationally evaluate the smoothness of the cross map, or ‘‘Cross Map Smoothness’’ (CMS), and thus to infer the causality, which can achieve high accuracy even with very short time series data. Analysis of both mathematical models from various benchmarks and real data from biological systems validates our method.